Why donate to the Children’s Justice Center?

Statistics indicate that most of us know or are related to a victim of child sexual abuse. Sometimes it is difficult to know how to best support our loved ones as they work to heal from the emotional and physical scars left by abuse.

Fortunately, there are people who are experts in helping child survivors and their families. The Duchesne County Children’s Justice Center staff and multidisciplinary team have vast experience, and connections to an array of resources. There is never a charge for services at the Children’s Justice Center. We are funded through a public/private partnership that includes limited state and local money as well as grants and community donations. Your tax-deductible contributions are used wisely to help us provide a safe, comfortable place for children to share details about their abuse, and to train and support the professionals who will help each child on their journey to becoming a thriving survivor.

Make a donation.

Our Children's Justice Center is a private/public partnership.

The Utah Legislature provides funding to assist with operating costs, but local communities provide the building and additional funding to provide a homelike atmosphere and support services.

You can support our center by making a tax-deductible contribution.
